Our Team

Our Management Team

Bee’s Care ensures that all members of the management team are fully trained in their respective areas and, significantly, that maximum opportunities are provided for continuous professional development in each domain of a strong management team. Our current management team, alongside a highly experienced and innovative Registered Manager, consists of six specialists with expertise in specific areas (including Safeguarding, Care Planning, Human Resources and Administration).

Our  Care Team

Our Care Assistants genuinely care and treat Service Users as if they were family members while adhering to strict professional boundaries set out. – Bee’s Care Ltd believes this is the underlying principle of an effective carer alongside a full course of training that is refreshed in a systematic manner.

Our team of Carers have all worked through a highly focused and rigorous induction process which includes a period of time where they shadow an experienced carer. Specific areas of training are refreshed in a routine manner as part of the Bee’s Care Ltd quality assurance process. Regular spot checks and supervisions are carried out to ensure that all Carers are maintaining excellent standards of care.

At Bee’s Care Ltd we strongly believe that establishing a good relationship between the Carer and Service User is very important as it helps to build trust, it gives more confidence in carrying out daily tasks and motivates people. Continuity of care can benefit the Service User, so we will ensure that you see familiar faces every time.